Mais do que um simples romance,
esta foi a primeira obra do movimento realista a ser escrita por um autor
português. Alvo de várias críticas pela Igreja Católica, “O Crime do Padre
Amaro”, publicado em 1875, foi escrito em jeito de crítica social, descrevendo
o ridículo no qual caiu toda a comunidade católica, desde o padre até à mais
santa beata.
A obra retracta
a chegada a Leiria de Amaro, padre por obrigação e não por vocação. Amaro cedo
se estabelece como pároco popular e dono do coração da menina Amélia. Ambos vão
estar em constante confronto com as suas emoções, devido às regras que a Igreja
lhes impõe. No entanto, este trágico romance floresce entre os dois e no final
acabam por ser confrontados pelas consequências.
Achei a este
livro muito diferente da “Casa de Ramires” e com um estilo semelhante àquele
que encontramos em “Os Maias”. É uma obra
que, apesar de já ter sido escrita há décadas, continua a despertar o interesse
nas gerações mais recentes. (5/7)
More than a mere romance, this was the first work classified as being part of the realist movement to be written by a Portuguese author. Target of criticism by the Catholic Church, "The Crime of Padre Amaro", published in 1875, was written to criticize and to descrive the ridicule in which the entire Catholic community fell, from the priest to the most holy blessed.
The work portrays the arrival of Father Amaro to the city of Leiria. Father by obligation and not by vocation, Amaro soon establishes himself as pastor and owner of the popular girl's heart Amelia. Both will be in constant confrontation with their emotions, due to the rules that the Church imposes on them. However, this tragic romance florishes between the two of them and they end up having to suffer the consequences.
I found this book very different from the "A Ilustre Casa de Ramires" and with a style similar to the one i found in " Os Maias ". It's a work that, despite having been written decades ago, continues to spark interest in more the recent generations. (5/7)
More than a mere romance, this was the first work classified as being part of the realist movement to be written by a Portuguese author. Target of criticism by the Catholic Church, "The Crime of Padre Amaro", published in 1875, was written to criticize and to descrive the ridicule in which the entire Catholic community fell, from the priest to the most holy blessed.
The work portrays the arrival of Father Amaro to the city of Leiria. Father by obligation and not by vocation, Amaro soon establishes himself as pastor and owner of the popular girl's heart Amelia. Both will be in constant confrontation with their emotions, due to the rules that the Church imposes on them. However, this tragic romance florishes between the two of them and they end up having to suffer the consequences.
I found this book very different from the "A Ilustre Casa de Ramires" and with a style similar to the one i found in " Os Maias ". It's a work that, despite having been written decades ago, continues to spark interest in more the recent generations. (5/7)
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